Ticket kiosks
for railway, metro, bus stations

Our company offers:
A complete hardware-software solution including a self‑service kiosk and a specialized software
A supply of specialized software for the customer’s existing equipment, with possibility of adaptation and customization, as well as software development from scratch
Key benefits
Complete replacement of ticket offices with staff, reduction of queues
Purchase of single tickets, refill of transport cards
Deployment of the transport company’s website in the interface
Back office for technical monitoring and ticketing network management
Financial transactions, dispense of ticket forms, smart cards accounting
Our software package organizes the work of several card dispensers in the ticket kiosk for solving various tasks.
Sell of the several ticket smart card types from the appropriate dispenser. Depending on the client’s choice kiosk dispense prepaid, one-time or card with a zero balance.
Refill of existing tickets. The ticket smart card is brought to the reader, refill with cash or by bank card and rewrite data.
Business goal
Ticket kiosks — modern ticket sales format for passenger transport companies. We are ready to offer a ready-made software and hardware solution, including specialized software and kiosks for indoor or outdoor installations with a vandal-resistant housing and various hardware components.
Advantages for the transport company:
Modern technologies for the transport services sale
Flexible rate settings
Cash and cashless payments, dispense of change
Flexible customization of software scenarios
Printing tickets on special forms, dispense and refill smart cards
Bright, interactive interface
The ability to connect third-party services to pay regular payments
Implementation of promotions, cumulative bonuses, discounts
Advertising functionality on the kiosk screen in idle mode
Advantages for the passengers:
Fast, interactive tickets purchase
Selection of options — distance, service class, meal, etc.
Background information, timetable, online transport map on the opened website
Discounts and promotions — cumulative bonuses, one-time free trips, etc.
Standard application
Metro and city transport

The kiosk interface allows to conveniently and quickly purchase one-time ticket or refill transport card by cash or bank card. Change can be dispensed in cash, coins or transferred to the client’s personal account in the system, to a mobile phone or to the account of third-party providers, if kiosk provides the functionality for paying regular payments.

System also support RFID cards, tokens, cash register receipts with barcodes and specialized ticket forms.

Intercity transport
Tickets sale for trains, intercity buses, sale of airline tickets. Modern web technologies allow us to develop and implement integrated interfaces with interactive choice of places on the layout, choice of additional options, etc. Ticket printing is carried out on forms required by the customer, specialized ticket printers are supported. If necessary, identification and confirmation of customers can be implemented using scanning passports, collecting and storing biometric data.
Flight tickets

Check-in for a flight at the airport or installation of kiosks to purchase tickets instead of ticket offices with staff. Kiosk can support passport scanning.

It is possible to implement payment for baggage packing, parking at the airport and other related services. Independent selection of seats and printing of paper boarding passes.

Ticket operator website

Widescreen kiosks are used by ticket operators to implement ticketing points for a wide variety of passenger transportation.

The operator’s website open at the kiosk and allows the customer to order and pay for tickets in the same way as at home computer or through a mobile application. At the same time, tickets booked through other sales channels can be paid through the kiosk in cash.

Additional features
Kiosk also supports:
Printing previously booked tickets
Cancellation of the purchased ticket
Refund of tickets — by manual entry of the ticket number or by scanning barcodes, identifiers
Integration with information kiosk for placement of guides, tourist information
Integration with taxi booking kiosk — taxi service at fixed or random address
Ticket kiosks
network management
All devices are combined in a single back-office
with a custom functionality and access control, depending
on the roles of employees. Control system allows:
Monitoring and diagnostics of kiosks and all internal components
Online payments tracking and cash collection tracking
Data transfer about fullness (cash boxes, printer paper, ticket forms)
Notification about events via SMS, E-mail, Telegram
Logging and data storage on all actions and events
Update system
A built-in update system allows to quickly make any changes at software and upload it to the kiosks according to the planned schedule.
Software acquisition
Taking into account the scale of automation, size of the business and ultimate goal of the solution, it is possible:
To purchase software license
To use cloud software monthly or by an annual subscription
Due to the various acquisition options for Pay-logic software, our solution is suitable for medium-sized and large passenger transportation business.
Solution refinements
Standard refinements for customer solutions include:
Branding of a payment interface in corporate colors or using a white-label concept
The integration of the device system within the customer's accounting system
An adjusting payment scenario for specific business requirements
An advertising banners development
Adaptation to a new currency and language, including the creation of multilingual interfaces
Any software modifications are possible at the customer’s request!
for conductors
We offer a modern solution for automation of operations with cash. Self-service kiosk, electronic cashier or automatic deposit machine based on Pay-logic software can be used to automatically deposit cash after every traveled route or at the end of the conductors or drivers shifts.
Software allows to identify the employee by ID, RFID card, QR code on the badge, keep track of completed shifts, working time. When completing the route, employee deposits all received cash into device, the system takes into account all the money, dispense paper document based on the operation result.
Solution features:
Support for a large number of peripheral equipment (bill acceptors, coin acceptors, dispensers, coin hoppers)
Full accounting and reporting of deposited and collected cash
Dispensing of cash for change, organizing a closed cycle for accepting and dispensing banknotes and coins with recycling functionality
Integration with the external information system of the transport company to upload information about the personnel work, finance accounting
Paying salaries to conductors through a kiosk based on the monthly shifts, total dispensed cash
What about the development
of other applications?
Our company has been developing complex high-load applications
since 2008 and can offer a complete development of information systems
for different types of businesses:
Database design
Back office development
Front office development
Mobile application development
Application design service
Any other software development service
Supply of a turnkey
hardware-software solution
Thanks to long-term work experience in the payment software market we have established strong partnerships with reliable equipment manufacturers and we are ready to offer a complete solution in the format software + self-service kiosks for various business areas.
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