Pay-logic processing update version 5.6.7

Back office

New in version 5.6.7

– Implemented setting to limit the reflection of transactions on the Agent’s workplace to the current day;

– Implemented mechanism for setting up the addition of authorization data for the cash register for Agent’s workplace users.

Changes in version 5.6.7

– Improved usability of the “Applications for issuing funds” page;

– Improved usability of filters on the “Registering points in MTS” page;

– In the “Provider agreements” section, the “Legal entity code” and “TIN of the legal entity bank” fields have been added for agreements;

– Implemented the ability to create a write-off from the agent’s account for an amount greater than the current balance of the agent;

– The “Rules for working with cards by BIN” and “Types of banking subsystems” pages have been moved to the new “Services – Card module” section;

– The “List of banks” page has been moved to the new “Services – Banks” section;

– Added the ability to specify the SWIFT code for the bank on the “List of banks” page;

– Improved usability of the Agent’s workplace user editing page.

Kiosk software 5

Changes in version 5.156

– Increased performance, improved system stability.

Kiosk software 7

Changes in version 7.156

– Increased performance, improved system stability.

Agent’s workplace

New in version 6.43

– Implemented the ability to block the "Amount from client" field on the payment acceptance screen;

– Implemented an option that allows to display information in financial reports to cashiers only for the current day.

Improvements in version 6.43

– Increased performance, improved system stability.

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