Pay-logic processing update version 5.5.8

Back office

New in version 5.5.8

- A mechanism for calculating and maintaining offline balance of providers has been created.

- The functionality for setting up receipt printing when making payment due to inactivity timeout on the payment screen of self-service kiosk has been implemented.

Improvements in version 5.5.8

- On the page "Point menu – Mass menu change" filter by service statuses in menu items has been added.

- An additional right to change the agent's TIN has been added in the agent card.

- On the page "Dispatch – Issues from agent account" selection of the operation status has been added to the filter.

Kiosk software 5

New in version 5.147

- Added functionality for printing receipt when making payment due to inactivity timeout on the payment screen.

Kiosk software 7

New in version 7.157

- Added functionality for printing receipt when making payment due to inactivity timeout on the payment screen.

Agent’s workplace 6.34

- Increased performance, improved system operation.

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