– Implemented functionality for loading payment registers in minimum currency units (for example, kopecks);
– Developed mechanism that allows to link transactions with each other and display these links in the section "Dispatch – Search for payment".
– The “Monitoring requests to providers” section has been updated, search by filters on the page has been improved;
– The usability of filters has been improved on the “Provider Agreements” page;
– The usability of the “Monitoring of Agent’s workplaces and Mobile points” page has been improved;
– For operations in the final status, the ability to change the status manually for the Payment System user has been added.
– Restriction on making payment for the service has been developed if there is insufficient data for fiscalization of the payment. As part of the functionality, sending corresponding event to the server notifying an error has been implemented.
– Implemented the ability to make sound notifications about the return of funds on ADM devices.
– Improved interaction with QR code scanners via driver that works via the XFS layer. Implemented disabling the QR code scanner backlight by timeout.
– Support for working on Agent’s workplace in multicurrency mode has been implemented;
– Template functionality has been implemented for services with a universal data entry module;
– Mechanism for authorizing cashier on cash register using personal authorization data has been developed;
– A prohibition on making payment for a service when there is insufficient data for fiscalization of the payment has been developed. As part of the functionality, sending a corresponding event to the server has been implemented, notifying an error.
– Updated the display setting for the number of results on the “Payment search” and “Issue search” pages.